24th Macclesfield Methodist Scout Troop is a uniformed organisation meeting at Broken Cross Methodist Church midweek; with the Beaver Colony (6-8 year olds) and Cub Pack (8-10½) and Scout Group (10+). The troop operates across all Scouting program zones, utilising the full range of recognised methods to progress the Scout aim of developing the children spiritually, physically, intellectually and socially whilst having fun. The programme includes adventurous outdoor activities appropriate to their age as well as a full indoor programme of games, ceremonies and training leading to the awarding of badges for achievement. Scouts camp throughout the year, participate in overnight competitive hikes, climb and abseil, hike in groups without leaders present, windsurf, sail and canoe, undertake large and small scale pioneering, cook on trangia stoves, gas stoves and open wood fires. Through accepting greater responsibility for themselves and others, the Scouts prepare for adult life. The group is fortunate to have a strong, active, committed leader team who have fun running the programme across all sections and benefits from an effective executive and tremendous support from both churches and parents. It owns its own canoes, camping and pioneering equipment.
Contact Ruth Linde on 01625 431120 if you want your child to join (do it early as there is usually a waiting list) or enquire via the Scouting website here: 24th Macclesfield Scouts